Yoga Poses



shashank asana

Yoga Posture name – Shashank asana

Yoga Posture Type – Forward bend

How to pronounce – Shash – Rabbit or Hare , Ank-  Lap —-(  Sa- Sha– ank )

English Meaning -Rabbit pose


How to Enter – 

  • Sit on the Vajra asana ( If ankle issue – Place bolster or blanket under your Shinbone) and If knee pain ( then sit on the small stool and knee bent below the stool.
  • Inhale, raise your both arms, Elbow straight, Slightly rotate your arms inward and shoulder blades apart from each other,
  • Lengthen your spine, and stretch your both side of the torso, 
  •  Exhale, belly in,  bend forward but at the same time pull your body more forward but keep your hips back connected to your sole of the feet.

Alignment Cues –

  1. Shoulders externally rotated and shoulder blades away from each other.
  2. elongate your Spine, lengthen your both side of the torso.
  3. the forehead rest on the floor,
  4.  Belly relax,
  5. Hip connected to Heels
  6. both inner ankles together
  7. toes pointing back

How to finish – 

As you hold the posture for 2-3 minutes, With Inhale, lift your head up then chest up. walk tp your palms back, and exhale release your legs.

Modification of the pose  – 

  1. Place bolster or blanket under your Shin bone and knee.
  2. Sit on the small tool,
  3. brick or blanket under your forehead.



  • Calm the mind and relieves the stress.
  • Good for the digestive system 
  • With abdominal breath, massage the internal organs  (kidney, pancreas, liver) of Abdominal.
  • improves appetite
  • good for diabetes
  • Good for infertility as it stimulates ovaries gland
  • Good for high blood pressure.
  • Soothes the nerve of the back.


  • Diarrhea
  • Asthma
  • any back issue
  • any knee and ankle issue.
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