Yoga Posture name – Paschimottanasana
Yoga Posture Type – Forward bend
How to pronounce – Paschim (WEST) + Uttanasana (INTENSE STRETCH). – PA-SHI-MO–TAN– ASANA
English Meaning – Intense stretch of west ( Paschim means is Back (Sanskrit). — Stretch of the back of the body.
How to Enter –
- Sit on the floor, Straight your legs in front of you. push your both heels forward,
- shift your weight on right buttock and pull the left skin of left buttock in the opposite direction of the left heel, repeat to another side
- now grab your toes, or if you can’t reach to your big toe, use the belt around the feet.
- Now Inhale, Open Your Chest, Shoulder external rotate away from the neck
- Lengthen your both side of the torso, pull inner groin deep into your pelvic and create more space between the upper thigh and lower abdomen
- keep your lower back straight as long as you can, and with every exhale, suck your belly in and bend forward, don’t pull yourself.
- Try to bring your lower belly close to your upper thigh, the chest on your knees,
- then your chin on your shin. Never Rush, forward bending is all about patience.
Do not squeeze your chest, Make sure you are taking your full breath.
Alignment Cues –
- Knee slightly Bended (if Hyperextended),
- Inner ankles together,
- Rotate your both thigh slightly inward,
- Push heels forward and toes toward your belly
- Sit on the sitting bone, not on your tail bone, (if can’t – Use something under your butts)
- lift your sternum up
- Shoulders external rotated, depressed
- elongate your Spine, lengthen your both side of the torso.
- Shoulder blade down, and neck long.
How to finish –
As you hold the posture for 2-3 minutes, With Inhale, straight your elbow and lift your chest up, Lower back in, release the hamstring, and then with exhalation slowly release the posture.
Modification of the pose –
- Use the Belt around your feet,
- Sit on the blankets (if hard to keep your back straight )
- use brick between your inner ankles (if legs are turning outwards)
- a strap around your thighs
- blankets Under the knees, (if the hamstring is too tight or Knee is hyperextended)
Drishti –
If Your back is Curving and can’t reach at full pose properly then Drishti on Your – Toes. ( padayoragrah)
IF advance the Drishti on Your – Nose (Nasagrah)
Counter pose – Purvottanasana
- Stretches Your hamstring, calves, Spine.
- Calm the mind and relieves the stress.
- Good for the digestive system
- Stimulates internal organs (kidney, pancreas, liver) of Abdominal.
- improves appetite
- good for diabetes
- Good for infertility as it stimulates ovaries gland
- Good for high blood pressure, Insomnia
- Soothes the nerve
- Scoliosis ( With modification)
- Slip Disc
- Diarrhea
- Sacroiliac joint pain ( ask to your teacher)
- Asthma
- any back issue
preparatory poses:-
- Janu sirsa asana
- Uttanasana
if advance :-
Grab your wrist behind the feet.
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