Parsva uttanasana
Parsva Uttanasana : Side Intense stretch full forward bend
Yoga Posture name – Parsva uttanasana (Parsvottanasana)
Yoga Posture Type – Forward bend
How to pronounce – parsva (side) + Uttanasana (INTENSE STRETCH). – PA—R–SA—VA—U–TAN– ASANA
English Meaning – Side Intense stretch
How to practice Parsva Uttanasana
How to Enter –
- parsva Uttanasana is a forward bend pose, Stand in front of the mat, take two feet back distance from the front edge of the mat.
- take your right leg back 3-4 feet apart (according to your hight)
- Turn your back foot 45 degrees in,
- now bring your right hip slightly forward.
- bend your back in slightly and rotate in. ( bend – so you don’t twist knee)
- Inhale, lift your sternum up, the skin of the chest out,
- Shoulder rotate out, place palm outside of the foot,
- activate your fingers and press while lifting the chest up
- Exhale, bend forward.
What is Alignment of PARSVA UTTANASANA?
- Knee slightly Bended (if Hyperextended),
- Activate your back leg.
- thigh rotate inwardly,
- hips square.
- Back foot 45 degrees in.
- heels align (if you are an advanced practitioner)
- chest open, navel align with the center of the front thigh.
- shoulder relax and shoulder blade apart from each other,
- palm next to your feet,
How to finish –
As you hold the posture for 2-3 minutes, With Inhale, straight your elbow and lift your chest up, Lower back in, release the hamstring, and then with exhalation slowly release the posture.
What is the Modification of the PARSVA UTTANASANA?
- Use the brick under your both palm (if back curved too much)
- place the brick under your back foot heel to activate your back thigh.
- Place brick under your shin, ( if knees are hyperextended)
Drishti –
If Your back is Curving and can’t do the full pose properly then keep your chest open, Drishti on Your – Toes (padayorgrah)
Benefits of Parsva Uttanasana
- Stretches Your hamstring, calves, Spine, hips,
- Calm the mind and relieves the stress.
- Good for the digestive system
- Good for high blood pressure, Insomnia,
- Soothes the nerve of the back.
Contraindication of Parsva Uttanasana
- Slip Disc
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Sacroiliac joint pain ( ask to your teacher)
- any back issue
- any knee ligament injury
- low blood pressure
Preparatory poses for Parsva Uttanasana?
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