Yoga Poses

Baddha konasana


Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose): Steps, benefits, precautions, easy  modifications

Photo credit – Myupchar


Yoga Posture name – Baddha konasana 

Yoga Posture Type – Forward bend , Hip Opener

How to pronounce – Ba – Dha – con- aa – Asana  

English Meaning – Bound angle pose


How to Enter – 

  1. Sit straight on danda asana ( staff asana ), Bend both knees, and bring your both feet together,
  2. Drop your knees out away from the midline of the body, if you have knee issues you can keep a 45-degree angle between your shin and thigh,
  3. pull the skin of your hips back, and sit on sitting bone, keep your tailbone off to the floor,
  4. keep your feet together and grab your feet to your both hands, Now pull those feet up and let the knees go away from the center
  5. Inhale, As you pulling the feet,
  6. with exhale, keep your chest open and bend forward from your pelvic. close your eyes to feel the limit of your body, don’t overstretch.

Alignment Cues –

  1. Thigh external rotated,
  2. spine straight and lengthen both sides of the torso,
  3. Shoulder external rotated, back and down,
  4. Sternum up and broad your lungs,
  5. sit on sitting bone properly.


How to finish – 

As you hold the posture for 2-3 minutes, With Inhale, straight your elbow and lift your chest up, Lower back in, then with exhalation slowly release the posture.

Modification of the pose  – 

  1. Keep bricks or blanket  under your thigh ( if too tight hips)
  2. place a brick in front of your forehead.

Drishti –  

Drishti on Your – Nose (Nasagrah)


  • Stretches groins and inner thigh,
  • Calm the mind and relieves the stress.
  • Increases mobility of the hips.


  • Slip Disc 
  • Sacroiliac joint pain ( ask to your teacher)
  • any back issue
  • any knee injury
  • Hip issue

preparatory poses:-

  • Vriksa asana ( tree pose ) 
  • Malasana ( garland pose )
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