Ardha baddha padma uttanasana
Ardha baddha padmottanasana - Benefits, Contraindication
Yoga Posture name – Ardha baddha padma uttanasana
Yoga Posture Type – Forward bend
How to pronounce – Ar – Da -ba -da – pa-da-ma -Ut –an – -asana
English Meaning – Half bound lotus standing full forward bend
How to practice Ardha baddha padma uttanasana?
How to Enter –
- Stand in front of the mat, take two feet back distance from the front edge of the mat, first 2 exhales and calm your mind,
- Now slowly lift your right leg up and grab your right ankle to your left hand. maybe you can rotate your right thigh externally,
- now place your right ankle close to your right pelvic with respect, No rush.
- And Bend your left knee a little bit to find the balance, Now take your right hand behind the back and try to use the full internal rotation of your shoulder,
- Grab your right toes or feet to your right hand, keep your left knee bent.
- Now slowly bend forward, press your left fingers or palm against the floor or if you can’t reach down then use brick under your palm,
- Inhale, lift your chest up and exhale, suck your belly in, Slightly bring the navel center to align with left thigh and bend forward, let your body go down, Don’t pull your self.
- Try another side.
What is Alignment of Ardha baddha padma uttanasana ?
- Knee slightly Bended.
- Full internal rotate your right shoulder ( whichever leg is bending first, the same shoulder )
- Rotate your left thigh in,
- back straight, sternum up,
- chest open and neck relax,
- suck belly in to create more space,
How to finish –
As you hold the posture for 2-3 minutes, With Inhale, straight your elbow and lift your chest up, Lower back in, Exhale, bend your left leg, and then inhale slowly stand up without losing the balance.
What is the Modification of the Ardha baddha padma uttanasana?
- Use the Belt, to grab your right feet,
- stay close to the wall,
- use the brick under your palm , if you can’t bend fully.
Drishti –
Drishti on Your – Nose (NASAGRAH)
What are the Benefits of Ardha baddha padma uttanasana
- Stretches Your hamstring, calves, Spine, hips,
- Calm the mind and relieves the stress.
Contraindication of Ardha baddha padma Uttanasana?
- Diarrhea
- Knee injury
- back injury
- ankle injury
- low blood pressure
Preparatory poses for Ardha baddha padma uttanasana ?
- Adho mukha swan asana
- Parsva Uttanasana
- Janu sirsasana
- Uttanasana
- ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana
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