Yoga classes are one of the important parts of Yoga Retreat or Yoga Teacher Training. Peace Yoga Retreat is based on traditional yoga practice, Where we conduct every yoga class in traditional style, As Peace yoga roots belong to Rishikesh, India.
We provide all the classes from beginner to advanced level in our 50 hour yoga teacher training, 100 hour yoga teacher training, 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Retreat. Teachers are well qualified and they got deep knowledge of their subject. If our students want to learn from Home, Now We run online classes as well. We have many Yoga classes available on our platform.

Shatkarma means 6 actions, it means there is 6 technique to purify your body completely, which is mentioned in many old Yogic books. If the one practice Shatkarma in his daily life, That person has less chance to get the effect by disease, improves your immunity, and there’s several Benefit of it. it changes your lifestyle physically and mentally. This 6 shatkarma are –
- Neti,
- Dhauti,
- Basti,
- kapalbhati,
- Trataka,
- Nauli.
Peace yoga provides you Neti, trataka, nauli, and kapalbhati classes in 50/100 and 200 hour Yoga teacher trainings only. We will provide neti pot and rubber for Neti kriya.
Pranayama is one of the limbs in Ashtanga yoga, which is described in Yogasutraby Patanjali, Pranayama means Prana – life energy and Yama means – Control, which means control of life energy, it means taking the charge of your prana, The one who is a practitioner of Pranayama, Will experience of the benefits, Pranayama helps to gain control of your body through the connection of your mind to body, it also helps to get you rid of any cardiovascular disease, most of the stomach problem, improved immunity, etc.
There’s 8 Pranayama mentioned in Yogic books,
- Nadi shodhana
- Ujjayi
- bhastrika
- bhramari
- sheetali
- sheetkari
- Plavani
- murcha.
There’s 6 pranayama – Nadi shodhana, ujjayi, bhramari, sheetali and sheetkari and bhastrika will be taughte in Our course at Peace 50/100 and 200 hour Yoga Teacher trainings and Yoga retreat.

Hatha Yoga is not only about practice, it’s a Consist of Mudra, Pranayama, Asana, Dharna, Dhyana, Which is mentioned by Guru Gorakashtnath, Hatha yoga means a combination of solar and lunar energy or we can say ida and pingla activation which helps to awaken our kundalini, people used to practice awaken kundalini at the ancient time, But at present We’re mostly taking it as a therapy yoga,
Hatha yoga helps to keep you healthy physically through pranayama and asana practice while practicing Dharana and Dhyana keeps you mentally healthy. At peace yoga, We provide Hatha classes at the morning always in a traditional way, Hatha classes are available Online as well.
In hatha yoga, You’ll know about more alignment in a therapeutic way, how to use bandhas, mudras , etc.
These classes will give you a deep understanding of the human body, More information about Asana, pranayama, meditation, how these practices affect us mentally and physically.
- Human body and physiology
- How to Avoid Injuries in yoga classes
- How energy works in Yoga
- Joints and its range of motion
- Applications of Yoga posture (Benefits, cons, and pros.)
- Skeleton anatomy and How Yoga affects it.
- muscular anatomy and How Yoga affects it.
- Yogic anatomy like koshas etc.
- Digestive system and How Yoga affects it.
- respiratory system and How Yoga affects it.
- Functional anatomy.

We have 12 sessions of Philosophy classes are available only in Our yoga teacher training students where 2 sessions are available for questions,
These sessions will be covering these topics in yoga teacher training courses:-
- History of yoga and Meaning
- Some Yoga Sutras by Patanjali
- Karma yoga ( On the basis of Bhagwat Geeta and ancient books)
- Pranayama
- Eight limbs of yoga
- Four paths of yoga
- Vedas, Upanishads, and Hatha Yoga pradipika
- Sattva, Rajas, tamas
- Nature of yogis
These classes teach you about a deep understanding of yoga asana, how to connect with people during yoga classes, How to adjust people during Yoga asanas, and much more.
Some topics below what we cover in peace yoga teacher training courses,
- How to enter in any pose
- Alignment
- modification ( use of props )
- adjustment
- How to breath
- How to use bandhas
- How to focus on the body part
- How to understand movements
- How to finish yoga pose
- How to avoid injuries
- Who should do
- who shouldn’t do?
- How to teach a pose

Ashtanga vinyasa classes are based on the tradition of mysore, There’s 6 series in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, Ist series is called the primary series ( Yoga chikitsa ) , the Second series is called the Intermediate series ( Nadi shodhan ), and Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth series called Advance (sthira bhaga) A, B, C, D respectively.
Peace yoga provides only primary series in Yoga teacher trainings and yoga retreats, But it can be change, If first series is completed then our teacher is free to teach second series also.
What we cover in Ashtanga vinyasa classes :-
- History of ashtanga vinyasa yoga
- chart of series
- Fundamental postures
- Ashtanga primary series ( yoga chikitsa)
- Breathing (ujjayi breath )
- Bandha (lock)
- Drishtis (gazing point)
- Some basic concepts
Dhyana is 7th limb of Ashtanga yoga, Dhyana Means in english is Meditation, These classes are more focused on understanding and feeling of Tradition and modern concept of Meditation.
These topics will be covered on Meditation sessions :-
- What is Dhyana
- Benefits of dhyana
- How to concentration
- Trataka meditation
- chakra meditation
- Mantra meditation
- Bhakti Yoga
- Yoga Nidra
- Guided meditation

Ayurveda is a way to live healthy life through nature, It is mentioned in old Yogic books. We have only 2 sessions of ayurveda are available in Peace Yoga Teacher training, it can be extend till 4 sessions, Where 1 session will be personal with Ayurveda doctor.
the sessions will cover these topics below :-
- Three doshas ( Vata, pita, kafa )
- Nadis
- food
- Marma therapy
- Panchkarma
These sessions only available for 100 and 200 hour yoga teacher training program students, In the end of the 200 hour yoga teacher training program , each student have to teach 3 sessions of Asana Yoga classes, teacher will guide students about their teaching.
Some topics below, which will be covered During Teaching sessions.
- How to connect with your students
- How to maintain voice
- How to give instruction
- How to adjust
- Permissions
- How to decorate the class
- How to maintain good vibes