100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

Join our 100-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh for a shorter, focused training program. In just 14 days, you can become a certified yoga teacher.

✔  Certified with Yoga alliance

✔  Accepted Worldwide

✔  Yogic Food

✔  Weekend Excursions

✔  Daily Beginner to Advance Yoga Classes

✔  Free Ayurveda massage

Upcoming 100 hour Yoga TTC
  • 1 January to 13 January
  • 1 February to 13 February
  • 1 March to 13 March
Yoga Alliance USA

100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Overview

If you’re looking for a  path to becoming a certified yoga teacher but have limited time to commit to a full 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is the ideal option for you. This program, offered by Peace Yoga Teacher Training, is a fantastic opportunity to embark on your journey toward becoming a certified yoga teacher, whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate-level yoga practitioner.

Our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is Yoga Alliance USA certified, ensuring that you receive a high-quality education that aligns with international standards. This program is structured as a 13-day pre-YTTC course, focusing on the first section of our comprehensive 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training syllabus. Upon successfully completing the 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, you have the flexibility to return at any time within the next 24 months to finish the second part of the training and attain full certification as a yoga teacher.

Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to not only enhance your physical well-being but also enrich your understanding of traditional yoga practices. During your training, you’ll have the opportunity to delve deep into the ancient wisdom of yoga and develop a strong foundation for your teaching journey.

At Peace Yoga Teacher Training, we prioritize your overall well-being. We provide you with 100% organic and Sattvic meals, promoting holistic health and wellness. These meals will not only nourish your body but also enhance your flexibility and proficiency in yoga. Our daily schedule is thoughtfully designed to help you seamlessly integrate yoga and meditation into your everyday life, even after you leave our center.

Join us for the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, and let us guide you on your path to becoming a certified and skilled yoga teacher, all while experiencing the serene and spiritual atmosphere of this beautiful location. Your journey to inner peace and self-discovery begins here.

100 hour Yoga TTC Class in Rishikesh


6:00 am – 7:00 am
Shatkarma & Mantra Chanting
7:00 am – 8:45 am
Pranayama & Hatha or Vinyasa Flow
9:00 am – 10:00 am
10:30 am – 11:30pm
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00pm – 4:15pm
4:30pm – 5:45PM
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
6:00pm – 7:00PM
7:30pm – 8:30PM

Half Saturday & Sunday will be off and no food will be available.

100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Syllabus

Shatkarma means 6 actions, which means there is 6 technique to purify your body completely, which is mentioned in many old Yogic books.

These 6 Shatkarma are 

  1. Neti,
  2. Dhauti,
  3. Basti,
  4. kapalbhati,
  5. Trataka,
  6. Nauli.

Peace Yoga provides you with Neti, trataka, nauli, and kapalbhati classes in 100-hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. We will provide neti pot and rubber for Neti Kriya.

Pranayama Techniques in 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

  1. Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
  2. Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean Breath)
  3. Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath)
  4. Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)

Peace Yoga Rishikesh provides only a primary series in Yoga teacher training and yoga retreats, But it can be changed, If the first series is completed then our teacher is free to teach the second series also.

What we cover in Ashtanga vinyasa classes:-

  1. History of ashtanga vinyasa yoga
  2. chart of series
  3. Fundamental postures
  4. Ashtanga primary series ( yoga chikitsa)
  5. Breathing (ujjayi breath )
  6. Bandha (lock)
  7. Drishtis (gazing point)
  8. Some basic concepts
Exploring Hatha Yoga Asanas in 100 hour Yoga TTC
  1. Joints Movements
  2. Yoga Mudrasana
  3. Baddha Padmasana: The Bound Lotus Pose, enhancing hip flexibility.
  4. Gupta Padmasana: A variation of the Lotus Pose, fostering inner calm and meditation.
  5. Matsyasana: The Fish Pose, which opens the chest and throat and stimulates the thyroid gland.
  6. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) & Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation): Dynamic sequences that promote flexibility and strength while honoring the sun and moon.
Backward Bending Asanas
  1. Saral Bhujangasana (Easy Cobra Pose)
  2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  3. Tiryaka Bhujangasana (Twisting Cobra Pose)
Forward Bending Asanas
  1. Paschimottanasana (Back Stretching Pose)
  2. Gatyatmak Paschimottanasasna (Dynamic Back Stretch Pose)
  3. Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana (Legs Spread Back Stretch Pose)
Spinal Twisting Asanas
  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)
  2. Parivritti Janu Sirsasana (Spiraled Head to Knee Pose)

Yoga Anatomy syllabus for 100 hour  Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

  1. Human body and physiology
  2. How to Avoid Injuries in yoga classes
  3. How energy works in Yoga
  4. Joints and their range of motion

These sessions will be covering these topics in yoga teacher training courses:-

  1. History of Yoga and Meaning
  2. Some Yoga Sutras by Patanjali
  3. Karma yoga ( On the basis of Bhagwat Geeta and ancient books)
  4. Pranayama
  5. Eight limbs of yoga

These classes teach you a deep understanding of yoga asana, how to connect with people during yoga classes, How to adjust people during Yoga asanas, and much more.

Some topics below are what we cover in 100-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh,

  1. How to enter in any pose
  2. Alignment
  3. modification ( use of props )
  4. adjustment
  5. How to breath
  6. How to use bandhas
  7. How to focus on the body part

Dhyana is the 7th limb of Ashtanga yoga, Dhyana Means in English is Meditation, These classes are more focused on understanding and feeling Tradition and the modern concept of Meditation.

These topics will be covered during Meditation sessions:- 

  1. What is Dhyana
  2. Benefits of dhyana
  3. How to concentration
  4. Trataka meditation

food and Accommodations


Peace yoga Retreat firmly believes that a yoga practitioner should live in a serene and peaceful atmosphere. We believe in the practice of yogi blossoms in a calm and serene environment. Accommodation in Peace yoga Retreat is specially designed for keeping these things in mind.  

At Peace Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, yoga students will be provided with private, shared, and dorm accommodation during their yoga courses, and its cost will be covered in your package. 


At Peace Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, we take pride in our globally renowned cuisine, celebrated for its delectable taste and diverse variety. Our meals are meticulously prepared with the utmost hygiene standards by our expert chefs, and we exclusively use organically grown vegetables. As part of our commitment to holistic well-being, we serve only vegetarian meals, and these are thoughtfully included in the fees for our 200-hour yoga teacher training course.

As the ancient Ayurvedic proverb wisely states, “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” Embracing the right dietary choices is a vital aspect of living a yogic life. While some may believe that practicing yoga alone suffices, we, at Peace Yoga Teacher Training Ashram, believe that yoga isn’t merely a physical and mental exercise but a way of life. When combined with wholesome eating habits, yoga amplifies its benefits.

Food is not only a source of physical nourishment but also a powerful influence on our mental well-being. In the yogic world, food is categorized differently from conventional science. Instead of the usual protein, fat, and carbohydrate classification, yogic food is divided into Satva, Rajas, and Tamas. Tamasic food can induce lethargy and sluggishness, Rajasic food may trigger restlessness, while Sattvic food provides energy, enthusiasm, and a sense of lightness.

Your Inclusive Meals:

  1. Breakfast
  2. Lunch
  3. Dinner

Our Sattvic Culinary Approach At Peace Yoga Teacher Training, we prioritize the well-being of all our students. Thus, we encourage a Sattvic diet during your stay at the ashram. Sattvic food holds the power to purify the body and calm the mind. Our menu is thoughtfully curated by Master Chef Sandeep Semwal, a seasoned professional with extensive experience in prestigious five-star hotels worldwide. Chef Sandeep’s deep knowledge of Sattvic cuisine ensures hygienic food preparation without compromising its nutritional value, fostering a healthy life.

Overindulgence or underconsumption, even of nutritious food, can pose challenges. Overeating may lead to lethargy, while undereating may result in insufficient energy for your daily activities. Determining the exact quantity of food one needs can be elusive, as individual requirements vary. The solution lies in listening to your body’s cues – it will guide you when to stop.

In the world of Ayurveda, it’s believed that the state of mind of the person cooking or eating affects the energy of the food. Food prepared with love, contentment, and gratitude carries a higher vibrational energy than that prepared in anger or negativity. To enhance this life force energy, we often incorporate soothing music or chanting into our culinary rituals.

In the spirit of ancient Indian wisdom, we recognize the profound connection between our food and our being. As the texts suggest, “we are what we eat.” At Peace Yoga Teacher Training, we invite you to embark on a transformative culinary journey that harmonizes with your yogic path.


  1. Vegetarian
  2. Raw Food
  3. Fruitarian
  4. Lactose-Free
  5. Organic
  6. Yogic
  7. Ayurvedic

Upcoming 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India 2024

1 January to 13 January: starting from $400 ( Yoga Alliance 100 hrs ) – Registration open

Batch Size –  15 People per batch

100 hour yoga teacher training course fee - 2024

Yoga Course Dates Shared Private Availability Book now
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 January to 13 January
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 February to 13 February
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 March to 13 March
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 April to 13 April
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 May to 13 May
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1June to 13 June
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 July to 13 July
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 August to 13 August
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 September to 13 September
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 October to 13 October
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 November to 13 November
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training
1 December to 13 December

Frequently Asked Questions

The institute is not a social club or resort. To maintain the spiritual purpose of our center students are requested to respect the following rules

Standard Of Conduct

  1. Use respectful language free from profanity, cursing, swearing, vulgarity, insults, abusive or crude language, and verbal threats.
  2. Maintain silence after evening meditation until the following morning meditation and during meals.
  3. Use mobile phones and other communication devices only during breaks.
  4. Attendance and full participation in the scheduled classes is mandatory. If for any reason you must be absent from any part of the daily schedule, a written notice must be submitted to the teacher. Absence without permission from classes may result in dismissal from the course.
  5. Dress code: men and women can wear yoga pants, shorts, tank tops, etc. during asana class, but for other classes make sure you are covered appropriately to respect the Indian Culture.
  6. Observance of the ashram dress code should always be maintained including during yoga lecture classes or swimming in the nearby lake, pond, or river. Nudity is forbidden.
  7. Karma Yoga is an integral part of the course. It is a very practical approach to help eliminate egoistic and selfish tendencies. Students should expect to perform at least one hour of karma yoga daily.
    Inappropriate Conduct
  8. Make false statements about others with malice or publicly disclose another’s private information.
  9. To play very loud, or offensive music in the Ashram. Any music played should be of sattvic nature and not disturb others.
  10. Smoking, alcohol, non-prescription drugs, and eating meat, fish, and eggs, are not allowed in the ashram (Smoking can be done in smoking areas)
  11. Photography and video filming are not allowed during sadhana (spiritual practice) times i.e. meditation, Satsang, asana class, lectures, and rituals as well as in the temple areas and during meals. This is to maintain a tranquil and protected environment for all. Exceptions will be announced by the director for special occasions.
  12. Peace Yoga disapproves of and condemns any form of harassment directed at guests, staff, or visitors. Specifically, no harassment, proposals, or innuendos with a sexual connotation will be tolerated during any program or activity organized by Peace Yoga. Guests participating in such programs are accordingly made aware of this policy and invited to apply it in their personal behavior whilst on our premises. Any guest who thinks she (he) may be the victim of unsolicited advances or any other form of sexual harassment is asked to notify a senior Teacher immediately in order for corrective action to be undertaken without delay. Complaints made to a senior Teacher or director will be treated confidentially and the alleged violator or any third party will not be advised of the complainant’s identity without the latter’s consent.
  13. The institute does not accept responsibility for guests’ belongings. Students are requested to keep their belongings in their rooms, locks will be provided.


Cancellation Policy:

  1. If you cancel your registration before the start of the course the deposit fee is non-refundable Rs.25,000/-, once the course begins the balance of the fees needs to be paid, without which students will not be allowed to attend course classes or use the facilities. For a no-show, no refund will be issued. Once the course starts, if you decide to leave no refunds will be issued.
  2. Students leaving the course before completion are required to return all teaching materials, and manuals.
  3. Any form of injuries that occur during asana class or alignment and adjustment class, Peace Yoga is not responsible for it and students cannot accuse or hold the teacher responsible for the same. We all must take it easy in our Asana practice and not push ourselves too much.

The 100 Hour Yoga TTC is a comprehensive program designed for those who want to complete their 200 Hour Yoga TTC in two parts. It covers the first section of the 200-hour curriculum.

Yes, the program is designed to accommodate both beginners and intermediate-level yoga practitioners. It provides a strong foundation for further yoga training.

Typically, the 100 Hour Yoga TTC spans 13 days, allowing students to cover the initial portion of the curriculum.

The curriculum usually covers yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, yoga philosophy, teaching methodology, and more.

Yes, most reputable yoga schools offer 100-hour TTC programs that are Yoga Alliance certified, ensuring the training meets international standards.

While the 100 Hour TTC is a significant step, you’ll need to complete the second part of a 200 Hour TTC to become a certified yoga teacher.


Most schools serve vegetarian and sattvic meals, promoting holistic well-being and nutritional value.

No prior experience is required, but it’s beneficial if you have some familiarity with basic yoga practices.

While some schools provide these, it’s advisable to check with the specific school you plan to attend.

The schedule typically includes yoga and meditation sessions, lectures, and free time for self-study and relaxation.

It allows you to learn and practice yoga intensively in two stages, accommodating those with time constraints or those looking for a gradual approach.

Each school may have its own specific requirements, so it’s best to contact the school you’re interested in to learn about their prerequisites.


Essentials include comfortable yoga clothing, a water bottle, a notebook for taking notes, and an open mind ready for learning and growth.

Yes, you can continue with the second part of the 200 Hour TTC to obtain full certification as a yoga teacher. Many students choose this path.

our 100 hour Yoga ttc reviews